
P.o.l.c. (short for 'party of little creators') is a novel game creation circle formed in 2005. It consists of two individuals: Wataru, who is primarily responsible for scenario writing and scripting, and Tentama, who plays more of a support role. As evidenced by their convention schedule, they are quite active in the doujin convention scene to this very day. And as evidenced by their release history, they've managed to keep themselves quite busy this entire time.

When 「手紙」 was first released on the scene, it garnered generally positive reviews (as detailed here). Ever since then, P.o.l.c. has only gained stature in the freeware visual novel creation community by releasing critically-acclaimed works like 「透明な優しさ」 and 「秋人」, the latter of which was awarded a "recommended" rating by NaGIsa. Reviewers invariably speak of the warmth of prose and of the distinctive writing style that Wataru brings to the table; I have seen user reviews on 「手紙」 and on 「透明な優しさ」, for instance, which run the gamut from "this piece made me cry" to "it made me feel that I ought to treat my family more importantly" to "the writing style was enjoyable and interesting, and you could tell that the writer's still quite young — in a good way".

Their preferred scripting systems have changed over the years. When the group was first incorporated, Wataru was using Yuuki!Novel; however, after the initial release of 「手紙」, he quickly abandoned it in favor of NScripter. He has used that scripting engine ever since, and indeed seems to prefer it over arguably more advanced engines like KrKr2/KAG3.

P.o.l.c.'s most recent works include 「星の王子さま」 (a novel game adaptation of Antoine de Saint Exupéry's Le Petit Prince), as well as scenario writing and scripting for a non-freeware visual novel called 「ねこツク」.

29 November 2008
Seung Park
Festival Coordinator, al|together 2008